Friday, November 13, 2015

Time Flies Doesn't It?

    It's odd isn't it, looking back on yourself just a couple of years back and yet still believe it was a lifetime ago?

    I have just recently rediscovered my old blog and am making the realization of how much I've grown. This is strange. So much has changed in such a short time span yet it feels like eons. I'm not even sure if the people who follow me still use blogspot. It's become almost archaic? is that the word I'm looking for? I'm unsure.

   Any who, I felt the need to make another post after all this time. People come, people go, the world keeps spinning and theres no way to turn back time. Yet this strange childish blog I kept reminds me of the past and how great it was, even though I complained a LOT. Now here I am three, almost four years later, a freshman in college, and everything has worked out for the best. I love my school, my friends are great, everyone is happy and I'm very excited to see what the future has to offer.

   I guess an update is in order of sorts?
   I finished high school in a flurry of nine art classes, seven school plays, receiving all six college acceptance letters, five months of fighting to attend my top choice, three years of unwanted but mandatory classes, and one mural that will forever be on the wall of my school. Lets not forget numerous friends and strange memories that will last a life time. Strange measurements yes, but my life is strange.  I currently attend my top choice, an art school in the city, under an animation major. I have five talented, wonderful roommates (one of which is a halloween skeleton we have named Papyrick) and fantastic teachers who really know their field. I've met more famous people in the industry within these past three months than in my entire life and been on numerous adventures.

   Everything happens for a reason, we may not know why, but eventually the pieces fall into place and you'll end up where you feel most at home.

   It gets better, trust me on this.
